Friday, September 3, 2010

4 Months of Painting did THIS:

Welcome to our humble abode. Everything piece of furniture you see was bought on KSL or Craigslist, except our TV of course. The paint is the only thing we bought new :) if I could have bought used paint I would've :p

The kitchen

The Family Room

The sweet KSL deal only $400 (we almost paid $300 for a small TV stand that the TV just sat on top of but instead we found this great deal that matched so perfectly with our decor)

The dining room

Our Awkward cutout that we finally figured out what to do with.

All the walls in the yellow and orange rooms are glazed with the brown rustic look, the glaze just seeps into the cracks of the texture and then you wipe it off.

My fabulous D.I. find or for those of you who don't have D.I. it's basically a Salvation Army. $5

The living room

I recovered that chair I will post some more upclose photos later.

The matching curtains and pillows were also made to match the chair.

I know kinda boring compared to the rest of the bright and colorful house, but I just haven't quite found the right color for his room yet.

Lochte's room

And this is where YOU will stay if you come to visit.

Yes the ugly serger just adds that last bit to the room don't you think? jk

This was our ultimate sweet find on KSL... the bed and the dresser solid wood for only $350 comes with plenty of scratches but that is the way we roll.

The master bath: this shower curtain is where we got our paint color from in our bedroom.


Broaddus Family said...

Great job and great finds!!! KSL is the best I swear....I am/was redoing out bedroom stuff but it had to be put on hold when we moved. But it's a lot cheaper to paint and sand than to buy new stuff.

Mandi said...

I'm in love with the wall treatment on the guest wall...when I have a house of my own one day, you'll have to show me how you did it.

Willingham"s said...

so cute i love it!