So here is a re-cap to get us up to date... then I will start blogging more as our life adventure proceed.
Two super cute boys.
I made carseat covers for Sarah Hill Nitta. She has a super cool story.... she was on the Biggest loser and did so well. She wanted to lose weight so she could have children, her and her husband have been trying for 4 years to get pregnant. When she finally decided to adopt she also found out she was pregnant. Her adopted baby arrived the middle of June and she is due at the end of October 2012. So her babies will be just 4 month apart. |
Carseat cover number 2! This one is my favorite and I might have to copy it if I ever have a girl. :)
What is odd about this photo? (PS he is actually in the backseat, I put him in his carseat while I helped Lochte do something but I didn't buckle him in and he got smart.)
This was our trip to Arizona, Jameson did the Lake Havasu Triathlon.
We Loved the weather and the beach. This trip was a few months ago, when the weather in Utah was still freezing, it was a really nice short vacation away from the cold. |
Lochte cried when he couldn't go swimming with his Daddy but he loved running around in his underwear on the beach.
Our drive to Washington, this is right on The Gorge. |
While in Washington this is what we spent most of our time doing. My nephew Kurtis is in training to be a professional baseball player, he plays on three different teams and spends ALL his time playing and is very serious about it. We went to games about 3 times a week and sometimes more than once a day.
Lochte loved being their mascot. He even got to sit in the dugout for 1 of the games until he got kicked out. :) |
All the kids on the team knew Lochte and would always come up to him and give him a high five. They all knew him by name and I didn't even know most of the boys.
While I was in Washington staying at my Cousin Caleb's house (as he is a bachelor) I offered my design skills and he let me do whatever I wanted. He has a daughter named Akya and this is a photo of her room... after my cousin Cayenne helped me design and decorate it. Cayenne picked out mostly everything in this room as she knows what Akya would want most. It was a Success! When Akya came home to see it she LOVED it. |
I wish I had taken a before photo of this room, it is Caleb's room. Just take out EVERYTHING except the mattress and add some clothes all over the floor and some wire racks in place of the cubed drawers and that would be the before. |
My cousin Cayenne came to help me, and I was so grateful I couldn't have finished it all without her. |
These close-ups are taken in the daylight, but it's still Caleb's room. |
I loved these painting and was just hoping it was neutral and not to girly. |
This grey lamp matched his silky grey bedding like they came together, Thank you TJ max! |
The before and after of the living room:
Oops I guess it's naptime. |
Lochte loves school buses and it happened to be his lucky day because it just so happened that the shuttles taking us to the Iron Man swim start were big yellow school buses. Lochte: "I go on the SCHOOL BUS! I am going to SCHOOL!" You can just see the excitement in his face. |
The swim start. The water was perfect for about the first 10 min then the wind picked up so fast that the waves got so bad that people were hanging on to buoy's and swimming to safety, even the people out there with the safety canoes called it quits, but not Jameson! He did the whole thing in 5 ft waves in just a little over his goal time. The wind was so bad that even we were being sand blasted and had to close our eyes from time to time. |
After a crazy swim he made it onto his bike. |
As the day wore down the kids got tired and cranky,
but we still managed to have a blast of day. |
Looking GREAT, feeling probably way less than great after that huge feat. Way to go Jameson we were so proud! |
At the end of the race they had this carousel , you can see Tutu's legs behind the horse. Lochte insisted that his Tutu took him on the carousel. |
At our swimming pool at our hotel in St. George after the race. Yes Jameson is cold. :) |
I mostly love that when he is older I can use this photo as re-enforcement when he considers not listening to me, "But remember that one photo that I am sure your girlfriend wants to see." |
The Las Vegas Zoo was so much fun, we got to stand way to close to a crocodile and walk through a tunnel of sharks swimming over us. Then we pet some sting rays, and saw some really cool jellyfish. |
This was a cool animal I have never seen before it's like a giant lizard but clearly from the dinosaur ages. |
Sometimes falls asleep very strangely . |
This is a daily find |
This man loved, loved may I repeat LOVED the swimming pool. |
OUR NEW SWIMMING POOL, Brekken can get in and out all by himself. |
My cute boys and I just chillin' |
Before his first haircut |
And After |
I hope you enjoyed the re-cap of the past several months of our lives, the next posts will be shorter I promise. :)